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RE-ORG Belgium [call now ended]
RE-ORG Belgium EDITION III (2019-2020)
You are a Belgian museum and the situation of your storage keeps you up at night? You would like to improve your situation but you don’t know where to begin? Plus, you don’t have lots of human nor financial resources? Engage in the RE-ORG Belgium EDITION III! The RE-ORG Method helps you find ways to use your space more efficiently, using low-cost and creative solutions to address the issues you are facing.
During one year and a half, you will reorganize one of your storage areas thanks to the RE-ORG Method, a step-by-step guide written by ICCROM and CCI. To help you in this task, you will benefit from RE-ORG coaches’ experience and know-how. Furthermore, you will gain practical experience by reorganizing a storage during a 5-day workshop in Brussels. The training and the general meetings are organized and coordinated by the Preventive Conservation Unit of KIK-IRPA.
English is the main communication language but the participants are allowed to deliver reports in their mother tongue.
The registration fee is €500 per museum (for two participants).
Important note: RE-ORG was specially designed for professionals who are working in museums with a lack of human and financial resources. You do not have to work full-time on your storage reorganization. The RE-ORG Method was designed for teams of 2 people minimum, working about 1~2 day(s)/week on their RE-ORG project.
Timeline RE-ORG Belgium EDITION III (adjustable to common needs)
Key of the timeline:
- Call: opening in March 2019, closed on April 7, 2019
- Selection: selection and announcement of the selected museums on April 25, 2019
- General Meetings: one-day meeting of the RE-ORG Belgium EDITION III participants at one of the participants storage or at KIK-IRPA
- Phase 1 – Getting started: creating the best possible conditions for a successful storage reorganization
- Phase 2 – Condition report: documenting the current state of storage to identify major issues affecting collections
- Workshop: a 5-day practical storage reorganization in Brussels (storage still to be defined), full-time, from 9:00 to 17:00. Main communication language: English. Date to be defined (between October and November 2019)
- Phase 3 – Action plan: defining the necessary tasks and establishing a project timeline
- Phase 4 – Implementation: implementing the action plan
- International RE-ORG event: international RE-ORG event (to be defined)
How to apply?
Please send the following documents to via WeTransfer before April 7, 2019:
- the subscription document (FR or NL)
- the letter of support from your Director (FR or NL)
- the RE-ORG Self-Evaluation form (FR or EN)
- the PowerPoint showing the current state of your storage (please download the model here)
- (facultative: a video showing your storage area)
We strongly encourage you to call us if you have any question: Marjolijn Debulpaep – 02/739.68.32 & Wivine Roland-Gosselin – 02/739.68.31